Justice Ministry to investigate delays in cases
The Justice Ministry has initiated a review to investigate the delays in the hearing of...
Awareness Program on Reparation Office.
The government recognized the need for an independent body to provide full compensation on behalf...
Welikada Case Postponed!
The welikada murder case was postponed until 13th of December due to the second defender’s...
Book launching of “Justice for Struggle of FTZ”
Justice for Struggle of FTZ book was lunched on 8th of November 2019 at Jayalath...
Community Leaders Meeting in Galle
The Galle district Human Rights First Aid Centre organized a meeting for district community leaders...
Legal Advisory and Victim Awareness Meeting in Hambantota
On 31st of October, the Hambantota District Human Rights First Aid Center organized a human...
10 years took to end child abuse case in Ratnapura!
A ten years old girl was raped by a 63 years old man in 2009...
Gampaha District Commiunity Leaders Meet for the Second Time
The community leaders meeting was held for the second time yesterday (24) at Villa Snasuma...
Immediately revoke the suspension of the Maldivian Democracy Network
Right to Life signed the joined statement along with 36 organizations in Asia in solidarity...