On the 3rd of February 2008, Mr.Rasika N.Muthumala,Computer Operator, an employee at Kataragama District Office,had assaulted and broken the arm of 34 year old Mrs.Ediriweera Jayasekara Kurudu Patabadige Thanuja Lakshmi,who is residing in a house belonging to Kataragama,Gam Udawa Housing Development Authority.
Victim’s husband an employee attached to Housing Development Authority is working in Amparai. Lady was alone in the house with her two children aged 14 and 1 ½ years respectively. Ignoring her protests the drunken accused had entered the house and had struggled with the lady inquiring about her husband. When he could not overpower her he had pulled her dress, and at the same time he had got hold of a momatee which was lying close by and had assaulted her thus fracturing her arm.
The cause for this commotion was due to a land dispute between the husband of the victim and Mr.Mahindasiri,the Accountant attached to Kataragama District Office,whose house is situated just behind the victim’s house. After some time Mr.Mahindasiri too came ,with his sarong raised, and started shouting. This incident happened at about 4.00 in the afternoon. Both of them were drunk. Rasika,Mahindasiri,Mahesh and two other persons had been drinking alcohol at Mahindasiri’s house from morning. An entry has been lodged in Kataragama Police Station.
Mrs.Thanuja had gone to Kataragama Hospital and from there to Hambanthota Hospital where she had been operated and had been in the ward for three days.Kataragama Police are acting in a lethargic manner. It had taken several days to arrest the accused and had bailed out on following day. The Secretary ,Kataragama District Office, is interfering in this case. He had called Police Station as well as the Hospital.