Justice for Struggle of FTZ book was lunched on 8th of November 2019 at Jayalath Reception Hall, Ja-ela. This book was written by Mr. Dulan Dassanayake AAL based on the Mahanama Thilakarathne report which is issued by a presidential commission regarding incident took place on 24th of May to 30th of May 2011.
All NGO’s and Civil Society organizations, including Right to Life Human Rights Center, worked hard to get this report from 2012 to 2019. The book was authored by Mr. Dulan Dassanayke as an analysis of this Mahanama Thilakaratne Report.
The people who contributed to the struggle were also present on the occasion. Among them, Mrs. Chamila Thushari also spoke about the struggle they have faced during this time and the victory they had achieved. Attorney-at-Law Dulan also gave a speech regarding the book.